B777-300ER Enhanced Plugin
比早八还早的早七叽 FlyOverAsia

# Made by “OrangeDog Team”

# Jet-Pack (IPACS) provides technical support

【Aircraft plugin】

File Name: dlc_aircraft_b777_300er_ODp_v4.2.tme (Android) / OrangeDog_TEAM_b777_300er_v4.2.rar (Windows)

File Introduction: Aerofly FS Global / Aerofly FS 4 B777-300ER parameter adjustment configuration file; realistic modification of aerodynamic parameters (added by default, no need to modify by yourself); partial perspective optimization modification (added by default, no need to modify by yourself); customizable load (fuel, passenger, cargo)


Install Tutorial (AFG - Android)

Install Tutorial (AF4 - Windows)


Download in “Terabox” (AFG - Android)

Download in “Terabox” (AF4 - Windows)

【Related Videos】

Aerofly FS Global (Android) :

Aerofly FS 4 (Windows) :

【Parameter Tuning Guide】

Guide operation reminder:

This guide is made according to the needs of this plug-in and actual operation experience. It does not represent the official tutorial provided by Aerofly FS and may contain errors.

Do not modify or delete the code at will, as there is a risk of serious crash.

For some operation tips, please refer to the “Update Log” below.

Access the configuration file (Android):

1.The name of this plug-in is “dlc_aircraft_b777_300er_ODp.tme”. It is recommended to use “MT Manager“ for operation; other file management programs can also be used if they can run normally.

2.Click “dlc_aircraft_b777_300er_ODp.tme”, choose to open it as a compressed package, and open the “dlc_aircraft_b777”, “aircraft”, “b777”, and “Custom_fuel_payload_mod” folders in turn (that is, the path “dlc_aircraft_b777\aircraft\b777\Custom_fuel_payload_mod").

3.Click “parameters.tmd” and choose to open it in text format.

4.Please see below for specific parameter adjustment operations.

Access the configuration file (Windows):

1.Open the “Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator”, “aircraft”, “b777_300er”, and “Custom_fuel_payload_mod” folders in turn (that is, the path “Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator\aircraft\b777_300er\Custom_fuel_payload_mod").

2.Click “parameters.tmd” and choose to open it in text format.

3.Please see below for specific parameter adjustment operations.

Fuel adjustment:

If you need to change the fuel mass, please directly modify the values ​​corresponding to “Mass” in “fuel center”, “fuel left” and “fuel right” below; “FuelInnerWingLeft” and “FuelOuterWingLeft” represent the inner and outer fuel tanks of the left wing respectively, and the sum of the two values ​​represents the total amount of the left wing fuel tank; “FuelInnerWingRight” and “FuelOuterWingRight” represent the inner and outer fuel tanks of the right wing respectively, and the sum of the two values ​​represents the total mass of the right wing fuel tank.

Add the values ​​of all fuel masses on the aircraft to get the total fuel load of the aircraft, and fill in the values ​​in the “BlockFuel” and “FuelOnBoard” rows under “fuel prediction”.

The unit of measurement is kilograms.

The values ​​need to be expressed as real constants.

The full fuel mass is 145500.0kg.

It is recommended to refer to the manifest load and FCOM maximum takeoff weight and maximum landing weight (flight crew operating manual) for modifying the numerical value

Example (click the double arrows below to expand all codes):


// fuel center
// fuel left
// fuel right
// fuel prediction
<[float64][ZeroFuelMass] [197732.0]> // Zero fuel weight = aircraft weight 167832.0kg + payload mass
<[float64][BlockFuel] [ 39000.0]> // Fuel tank weight data
<[float64][FuelOnBoard] [ 39000.0]> // CDU fuel weight data
<[float64][TaxiFuel] [ 400.0]> // Taxi fuel volume, it is recommended to keep the default value

Passenger and cargo adjustment:

If you need to change the passenger mass, please directly modify the value corresponding to “Mass” in “payload” below; “InertiaLength” indicates the mass distribution, which will affect the center of gravity and balance, and is not recommended.

If you need to change the cargo mass, please directly modify the value corresponding to “Mass” in “cargo” below.

The unit of measurement is kilograms.

The mass when empty is 1.0kg. (The value cannot be 0!)

The passenger mass when fully loaded is 32000.0kg.

The cargo mass when fully loaded is 38254.0kg.

It is recommended to refer to the manifest load and FCOM maximum takeoff weight and maximum landing weight (flight crew operating manual) for modifying the numerical value

Example (click the double arrows below to expand all codes):


// payload

<[tmvector3d][InertiaLength][ 28.0 3.2 1.5 ]>


【Update log】


Now it feels much closer to reality!

Fix error radio altitude when plane is on the ground.(Error from PMDG)


The aerodynamic model has been adjusted again. The low roll rate issue has been fixed, and the overall performance is now closer to PMDG. If you’re lucky enough to own a PMDG 777, please let me know your thoughts!

The wing and landing gear physics have been adjusted. The lift and bending of the wingtips are now almost identical to the real aircraft.

The avionics parameters have been adjusted again according to PMDG’s data. More accurate V-speed and takeoff thrust plans have been used.

The payload has been adjusted, and correct flight balance and takeoff data have been used.

Easy Simbrief Setup: I’ve made an aircraft file for you to use with Simbrief and create your flight plans.

OD 77w Enhance - Simbref Config

Just follow the simple steps to tweak the “parameters.tmd” file in the “Custom_fuel_payload_mod” folder. For now, since the AF77W can’t figure out takeoff speed on its own, use the “15-degree flap V-speed” picture I’ve attached. I do not recommend modifying the fuel weight in any way until IPACS implements a usable fuel system!



What did OD modify?

The aerodynamic model modified again and again:). Fix some errors when compare to real plane videos or PMDG777. Now it wouldn’t pitch up some much on cruise. And joystick will be much heavier than before when landing. Someone told me the experience become much closer to XLPANE.

Modified the elasticity of the wing, so that it has close to the real physical performance at all times.

Some changes have been made to EGT. But it doesn’t quite match the real situation. OD thought he needed someone who is very good at aeroengines to help him with all the modifications, maybe jet-pack would offer some more helps?

Adjust the pilot view for a better control of PFD and outside.

Now the auto spoiler will not be opened early, and the automatic brakes will not be activated early.


What did OD modify?

Now a customizable mod is provided in “Custom_fuel_payload_mod” folder. Modify the payload and fuel Mass and Value in it. But you should adjust the parameters before flight start, or it will don’t apply unless you restart a new flight to reload the data.||

The aerodynamic model modified again. It is now close to the performance mentioned by FCOM and PMDG777 in Prepar3D. Similar scenes can also be seen in the real 77w video.

Adjust some parameters about engine delay time. It is almost close to the data released by Boeing except for EGT, OD did not find the most correct modification method at the moment.

The landing gear has been tweaked for heavier, more realistic performance.

Adjust the weight of 77w and the actual data in CDU.

Modify the aircraft’s FlyByWire to correct the application to be consistent with the above data.

Hope you have fun flying this more realistic 77w!

For specific modification details, please refer to the post posted by Orange Dog.

B777-300ER Enhance Addon , Optimizing Performance for Reality!

Extract it into the “aircrafts” folder to add the mod files. If you need to restore the official version, just delete all folders the mod provides or make a backup in advance!
